To Blog, or Not to Blog, That is the Promo Question.

TO BLOG or Not to Blog

I have been asked multiple times whether blogging is a “productive” content marketing strategy for promo companies.

To keep things simple, the answer is yes. It absolutely is an effective and beneficial aspect of B2B marketing.

“But, why would anyone read a blog from a promo company? It must be a waste of time since their end-result customer is a business, not the general community, right?” –Everyone in the Promotional Products Industry!

Let’s take a look at the consumers of promotional products… They are CEOs of small businesses or marketing professionals from large corporations. These individuals have a lot to lose if their choice of promo completely flops! They lose money for their business and if the business is small enough, a few of these monetary mistakes may cause the business to lose money and profits as a result.

So, our customer looks something like this: a male or a female with a high-position at a business, probably anxious, a little stressed because they need to find the perfect marketing solution for their business; they are overly eager to do as much research as possible to find the best product at the best price from a trustworthy brand.

A trustworthy brand

Blogging allows your targeted audience to see that you are an expert in your field. It shows potential customers that you care enough to spend time writing a blog for their benefit. Blogging engages potential customers or individuals interested in the topic, creating an intellectual space for conversation. Thus, building a trustworthy brand.

Here are 5 benefits of blogging I found on the Business2Community website:

  1. Become more sharable.
  2. Drive email and social.
  3. Syndicate your content.
  4. Gain new insight.
  5. Become more discoverable.

The more you blog, the higher your chances of online visibility, the more engagement you instigate, and the more leads you develop. Sounds pretty good, right?

A Cool Statistics Graphic via Google.
A Cool Statistics Graphic via Google.

If you have a knack for statistics, here are a few on B2B blogging.

  • A consistent blog generates 55% more traffic to your website
  • Your blog will produce 400% more indexed pages on search engines
  • Over 65% of people who use the internet, use a social network on a consistent basis
  • B2B companies who maintain an active blog will produce 67% more leads per month than companies without a blog
  • If you don’t create a blog ASAP, you will be part of the 19% of B2B companies who doesn’t use a blog

Essentially, blogging is significantly more important for B2B companies than B2C companies.

When you blog, you increase website traffic, create interest in your product or service, instill consumer confidence, establish yourself as the expert in your industry, and engage industry members in a conversation.

If your promo business doesn’t blog, you will remain lost in the vast, virtual world we like to call Google.

If you have any questions about how to set up your blog or you want some blogging best practices, you can check out my eBook HERE, or you can fill out our comment form and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

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