Content Curation: A Step by Step Process

There are so many facets for information these days: people tweet in the elevator, update their status as they drive to work (I do not recommend this… Dangerous!), and write blogs on their iPads while waiting for dinner to finish cooking.

Portable technology has not only augmented the convenience of browsing the Internet, but it has caused a surplus in news, opinion articles, how-to’s, infographics, video content, and so much more.

With all of these sources of information, it may seem nearly impossible to efficiently sift through content for curation.AgainsttheWind

Hopefully the overwhelming nature of the online realm hasn’t pushed you off the edge, because *drum roll* I have some very helpful tips to get your content organized, a brief overview of what content should be posted where, and a couple of sources to help you schedule posts.

Before you can determine where to start your search, there are a few branding questions you need to ask yourself. Your answers to these questions will be the foundation for your social media platforms; before you can create or curate content, you need to figure out what kind of content will behoove your branding purposes.

Question #1: If you had to describe your company in 1 brief paragraph, what would it say?

This is a CRUCIAL question to ask yourself before you begin posting to the various social media platforms. If you can’t briefly explain the company you work for to any Joe-Bob walking down the street, you most certainly won’t be able to distribute read-worthy content.

Take a moment and answer this question. If you’re struggling, go onto your website and read the “About Us” section of your company and center your thinking. If this doesn’t help, I suggest sitting down with the marketing manager of your company and ask him/her the same question. Listen to their answer, write it down, and answer this next question.

Question #2: If you had to pick 5 keywords for your company, what would they be?

It can certainly be more than 5, but 5 is a good base number. By keywords, I simply mean: what is the purpose of your product or service?

If you sell custom-made iPhone chargers, the keyword selection would look like this:

  • iPhone
  • Apple
  • Technology
  • Design
  • Communication

When you have very specialized products or services, the keyword selection becomes a little more difficult, but manageable. Use your imagination!

Question #3: Who is your intended audience?

Ask yourself these leading questions: Who is typically buying my product? What ages are they? Am I speaking directly to the consumer or am I a B2B company?

You should have a couple answers by now, this is your audience.

In our marketing department, we have found that putting a face to our customers makes things more personal for us, and we are better able to create content that he/she will enjoy and share.

If we run with the custom-made iPhone charger example, this would be a sufficient question and answer session:

Who is buying my product? iPhone users who have a creative side

What ages are they? Roughly 12-40

Am I speaking directly to the consumer? Yes. I am a B2C company.

My audience description would be as follows: An iPhone user from ages 12 to 40. This iPhone user is creative, most likely enjoys multi-medium art, and follows the major tech terminology.

This exercise will provide you with a handful of crucial facts that will make the content search significantly easier.

Next step—create a profile for each of the major social media platforms. You might be thinking: “Why would I need a profile for each of these platforms?” Vaild question. The short answer is: you don’t. However, in order to determine which social media site(s) works best for your company, you must first distribute content to each one and gauge your feedback.

Here is a brief tutorial on how to create a profile for each of the main social media platforms.

Social Media Profiles

  1. Create a Facebook business page for your company. Make sure you fill out all of the “About Me” section, the “Contact” section, and MAKE SURE you have a profile picture and a cover page, or your profile will look terrible.
  2. Create a Twitter profile for your company. Fill out your bio; link your blog URL and your website URL. Just like Facebook, make sure your profile has a profile image and a background image.
  3. Create a LinkedIn profile page (you must have a personal LinkedIn in order to create a business page). This will establish credibility among other businesses. Make sure your employees create profiles and put your company as their place of employment. Have them follow your page, and like your updates.
  4. Create a Pinterest profile page. Upload a profile image and fill out the bio information.
  5. If you are a B2C company and you sell lots of fun looking products, create an Instagram profile and fill out the necessary information.
  6. Create a Google+ profile. This profile information is a lot like what you see on Facebook, so fill out accordingly including images.

Now, it’s time to find content for your profiles! Here are the steps you need to take. The good news: you can use those social media profiles you just created to browse through content. There’s a method behind to my madness, my friends.

Content Accumulation

  1. Go to on Google Chrome and make an account. This website is a gold mine for keeping up-to-date with your industry’s news. With categories like “business”, “entertainment”, “fashion”, “tech news”, and more you have the opportunity to select the most popular news websites to stream directly on your feed.
  2. Go to the Twitter page you created and browse the “Who to Follow” section. You should follow practically anyone with a blue check by their name. Also follow all of the people in your industry, and competitors (this will show that you are amicable and also allow you to stay in tune with what they are doing).
  3. Go to your Facebook profile and start browsing business pages. “Like” anything that you think your customers will like. Also “like” pages that are in your industry.
  4. Go to Pinterest and type in those key words I asked you to write down earlier in the search box on the left hand corner. I don’t have to explain further, there are so many images you will NOT be disappointed.
  5. Go to your Google+ page; on the left hand corner there is a drop down menu that has a selection called communities. Click on that and start browsing communities that your business would be interested in joining. This is when you use your company description. For my custom-made iPhone chargers, it would behoove me to join the “I love iPhones” community, etc.

By this point you probably have so much content that you are overwhelmed. Breathe, you will get into a routine, and I guarantee you it won’t seem like enough later.

There you have it! If you have followed these steps, you now have plenty of content at your fingertips. You also have a company profile on all of the major social media sites.

If you really think about it, it’s a hole in one; you now have the ability to use your social media sites to accumulate content.

If you are at the Las Vegas PPAI tradeshow, visit our booth #536 or come to our suite for drinks and snacks #60808.

The Power Behind Your Business: Customer Service

As I was staring at my desk, brainstorming potential blog topics, I glanced at one of the books on my desk entitled: “Attitude is Everything” by Keith Harrell.
It then occurred to me… Attitude really IS everything; especially when it comes to customer service.

We’ve all been there: you need to sort out a mysterious charge on your credit card, pay your cable bill, or figure out why your iPhone keeps shutting down every time you open email… You get on the phone with customer service, and the employee is short with you. For me, my attitude completely changes; I get defensive and quick-tempered.

One of the repetitive themes in Harrell’s book can be summed up in this simple quote: “Other people’s actions can and will impact your attitude.”

This is why customer service is such a crucial aspect of business!

I’ve read countless articles with tips for powerful customer service, and frankly, I don’t think you can read too many! It is always productive to brush up on the fundamental qualities of successful customer interaction.

Here are my favorite tips from this past year:

1.    Every customer deserves a response (Salesforce). Regardless of the customer request, comment, or question, it is imperative that you respond. Let no customer go unnoticed, your customers are your source of income.
2.    Focus on making customers- not on just making sales (Kissmetrics). “Although your customers won’t love you if you give bad service, your competitors will” –Kate Zabriskie
3.    Don’t treat your customers like an inconvenience (Huffington Post). Even if you feel like your customer is an inconvenience, NEVER treat them as such. There will always be a small business that takes pride in everything they do and will swoop that customer from you.
4.    Who we are is what we do (Bloomberg- Opinion). This is where your company branding really shines. Stay close to your mission and provide benefits and help to your customers when necessary.
5.    Be prepared for things to go wrong (Time Business). Have a backup plan to implement when things don’t go according to plan. “Fuss over customers like a mother would over a beloved family member” and I guarantee they will know you care.
6.    Don’t overpromise (Forbes). It is easy to get caught up in a conversation and commit a certain deadline that is realistically unattainable; we’ve all been there. Catch yourself when this happens, and apologize when you’ve made a mistake.
7.    Be calm and have patience ( Biting your tongue when you feel frustrated, and taking a deep breath when you feel anxious talking to a confused customer will make them feel much more respected.
8.    Function (Small Business- Houston Chronicle). When your customer runs into a problem, it is crucial to address and solve these issues as swiftly as possible.
Now, your customer service won’t be perfect. It’s inevitable that you will run into hiccups and obstacles, but when addressing these issues, ensure that these service basics remain a priority.

If you’re in the Las Vegas area or you want to make a trip to Sin City, we would love to meet up with you at the PPAI show on January 13-17 (booth #536). We have both a booth and a customer service suite… We would love to see you there!

Comment if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend y’all!

Our Team!